If you find yourself facing a sturdy foe, remember to check the options made available through magic.

A Harold Game for the Harold Jam which details the life of Lee Harold Oswald. What do you think, everyone? Apologies if this game comes across as Political, I sincerely forgot that presidents were an actual, real life recurring phenomena and not just something made up as a cautionary tale.

Due to... time constraints, this projected morphed into what is essentially a visual novel. Apologies for any visual glitches you may encounter, I found myself fighting for my life against RPG maker and was too short on time to make proper corrections.

This tale should only occupy about 10-15 minutes of your time. I would recommend downloading it as it runs far better that way, but I'm not your mom, you don't need to listen to me.


LeeHaroldOswald.rar 185 MB


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I couldn't tell if the game was a parody that took itself too seriously, or a game that was serious that tried to add humor. It just didn't land the mark for me, sadly.

terminator vibes *nude and asking for the motorcycle* 😄

I've only just begun but this game seems great!!


Thank you very much! I (allegedly) had a lot of fun making it!


the pleasure is all mine!